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Celebration Classic Audio Guest Book
£130 includes 4 hours
+£20 per additional hour
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Unlimited recording time with no limits on message length.
Custom greeting message pre-programmed for guests to hear when they pick up the handset.
All voice messages will be compiled within 3 days and delivered as engraved USB stick.
Includes phone rental and an easy-to-follow user guide.
Free drop-off and pickup within 25 miles.
Premium Delight Audio Guest Book
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Unlimited recording time with no limits on message length.
Custom greeting plays when guests pick up the handset.
All messages compiled within 48 hours and delivered
Includes a
QR code to listen
and an
engraved USB for keepsake
Includes phone rental and an easy-to-follow user guide.
Free drop-off and pickup within 25 miles.
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